CBS Radio Mystery Theater
KIXI/KIRO Recordings

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A few years ago, I acquired several boxes of 7" reels containing over-the-air recordings of CBS Radio Mystery Theater from KIXI and KIRO in Washington State. With the help of a small group of fellow collectors, the processed files are now being made available to the general collector community. There were a lot of people involved in this project but three deserve special recognition. I want to thank Frank Rosin for making the original recordings and Scott Lawler for doing much of the audio processing. Tony Baechler deserves special recognition for his part in getting this entire project off the ground. Tony's donation of ninety reels kick-started this entire project. Without that I doubt we would now have almost 1200 broadcasts to distribute to the general collector community.

This project gained a second part recently when Frank Rosin offered to send me his entire KIXI CBSRMT collection on audio CDs to help me fill in some of the missing episodes. The reels that I acquired a few years ago were not the entire collection. I had known of the existence of more reels but I had no idea where they were. The audio CDs from Frank were made from his original reels and they add an additional 470 broadcasts to the original project of 613 making a grand total of 1083 broadcasts!

It's important to state that these KIXI/KIRO recordings are original broadcasts plus reruns. The filenames indicate the actual broadcast date, if it is a rerun and the date of the original broadcast. The links below will take you to the Part 1 and Part 2 files where you can download them. (Note that it will take some time to get them all uploaded. The following links will become active as the files are uploaded.

KIXI Recordings, Part 1 (613 broadcasts, FLAC and MP3)

KIXI Recordings, Part 2 (470 broadcasts, FLAC and MP3)

KIXI Recordings, Part 3 (8 KIXI broadcasts, 101 other broadcasts, FLAC and MP3)
(Part 3b contains broadcasts from KOA-Denver, KQV-Pittsburg, KRLD-Dallas,
WOR-NY, WMCA-NY, WWSW-Pittsburg)